Submit Abstract
Link to the abstract submission system of
Wageningen Academic Publishers
• The Abstract has to briefly describe the work to be discussed in the paper and also give a concise summary of the findings. Please note that abstracts should have between 2 000 and 2 500 characters (including spaces) and include relevant scientific information (materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusions).
• Abstracts must be submitted using the online submission link.
• All abstracts must be submitted in English (authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their abstracts checked by a native speaker).
• The names and affiliations of ALL authors should be included in the abstract, i.e. department, institution, city, country
Program Topics (tentative)
- PA applications and On-Farm Experimentation in arable crops, horticulture, vineyards and orchards, pasture, livestock production and aquaculture
- Precision protection, nutrition, water management
- Machinery and equipment for PA
- Software for PA (e.g., DSS, big data applications, machine/deep learning, etc.)
- Geostatistics, mapping and spatial data & Image Analysis
- Environmental monitoring, remote and proximal sensing, observation & measurement applied to PA
- Biometry applied to PA
- Biophysiological process modelling for PA
- Economics of Precision agriculture, innovation adoption and future developments, societal and regulation issues
- Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
- Any other topic related to Precision Agriculture