Keynote Lectures
The keynote speakers of the conference are listed below.

Tomasz Sadowski
University of Lublin, Poland
Tomasz Sadowski received his PhD from Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (Polish Academy of Sciences) in 1985. He is permanently employed at Lublin University of Technology (Poland), now in full professor position. He worked as a visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), Technical University of Munich (Germany), Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), Martin-Luther University Halle-Saale (Germany), University of Wales Swansea (UK), Polytechnic Marche Ancona (Italy) and others. He received in 2005 within 5thFramework Programme of European Union Individual Marie Curie Fellowship for Transfer of Knowledge to the University of Wales. He published 237 papers (Scopus; H-index: 42) and was organizer or co-organiser of many international conferences and scientific courses in the Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine (Italy). In 2016 he received Doctor Honoris Causa from Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania. He co-ordinated 4 European Union projects within 5FP, 6FP and 7FP. T.Sadowski current research activities include: continuum damage mechanics of materials and structures; modelling of ceramic polycrystalline materials; modelling of composites: ceramic and polymer matrix, polymer foams, wood and plywood; fracture mechanics of materials under mechanical loading and thermal shock; plates with damage and sandwich structures; experimental testing of materials and structures under: static, cyclic, thermal and impact loading.

Victor Eremeyev
University of Cagliari, Italy
Professor Victor A. Eremeyev is a Professor of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology and an Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Civil Engineering and Architecture of University of Cagliari. His research relates to extension of the classic models of continua and structures and related mathematical methods towards new applications at various scales.
Area of interests includes Surface elasticity; Theory of plates and shells; Generalized continua such as micropolar, micromorphic, strain gradient elasticity with applications to metamaterials; Nonlinear elasticity; Nano- and micromechanics.
In 2018 got International Prize “Tullio Levi-Civita” for the Mathematical and Mechanical Sciences, MeMOCS, L’Aquila University. In 2021 got Royal Society Wolfson Visiting Fellowships in the university of Aberystwyth, UK.
Scientific record contains more than 230 publications indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, 15 written or edited books in English, Russian and Spanish. H-index is 35 (Web of Science) and 38 (Scopus).

Heng Hu
Ningxia University, China & Wuhan University, China
Prof. Heng Hu is a Changjiang Distinguished Professor at Ningxia University in China and a Hongyi Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Wuhan University in China. In 2006, he received his Ph.D. in solid mechanics from University of Lorraine in France. Subsequently, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique in France. He joined Wuhan University in 2008 and Ningxia University in 2024. His main research interests include data-driven computational mechanics, multi-scale modeling and simulation of composite structures, and buckling and wrinkling of thin-walled structures. Currently, Prof. Hu serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Composite Structures, and a general council member of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM).

Seung Hwan Chang
Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea
Prof. Chang graduated with B.Sci. in mechanical design and production engineering from Chung-Ang University (CAU); MS and PhD in composite materials from department of mechanical engineering, KAIST. He joined micromechanics laboratory in Cambridge University UK as a postdoctoral research fellow (2001-2002), then started his faculty career at Chung-Ang University Korea (CAU; 2002-current).
Prof. Chang served as the school chair of mechanical engineering (2010-2012) and Director of business support center (2014-2017) and the vice president of Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation (IACF; 2012-2021) in CAU, Director of technology transfer center (2012-2021) in CAU and the vice president of University Industrial Technology Force (UNITEF) in KOREA. Currently, as the research director of the BK21 project (Intelligent Wearable Robot Education Research Center; 2019 ~), he is striving to nurture master's and doctoral level human resources in the field of robotics. Now, he currently serves as a dean of the College of Engineering in Chung-Ang University, Korea.
Prof. Chang’s research is focused on functional materials ranging from electroactive polymers (EAPs), fibrous composites including bio-degradable composites, to simulation of tissue differentiation during bone healing process, design of biologic composite prostheses for bone healing and to self-powered wearable fabric sensors and actuators. He has been honored with best paper awards from international institutes such as Composite Structures and KAIST. Currently, Prof. Chang serves as editorial board members in many world leading journals including Composite Structures, Composites Part C, IJPEM (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing) and IJPEM-GT (Green Technology).

Gabriele Milani
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gabriele Milani, Eng. PhD, is Full Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Technical University of Milan, Italy. Previously Associate (2014-2019) and Assistant Professor (2008-2014) in the same university. Chair professor at Yangzhou University, PRC (2019-2020), visiting at Newcastle University, UK (2016, 2017) and IIT Bombay, India (2022). His scientific interests are manyfold and include masonry modelling and experimentation, innovative strengthening with composite materials (FRCM, FRP) applied to masonry and r.c., seismic engineering, preservation of historical constructions, timber, limit analysis, Structural Health Monitoring, genetic algorithms (GA), rubber vulcanization and elastomeric seismic isolation. He published more than 300 papers in high-impact international journals in different fields of structural mechanics, he edited several books and co-authored many book chapters, he was invited as keynote speaker in many internationally recognized conferences and co-chaired the 18th International Masonry Conference IMC in 2018. He will co-chair the next International Brick and Block Masonry Conference IB2MaC in 2024 (Birmingham, UK). He is the first author in Scopus under the keyword “Masonry”. He is EB member in both high-reputation journals and international congresses. He is Associate Editor of Engineering Structures (Elsevier), Subject Editor of Engineering Failure Analysis (Elsevier), Honorary Editor of International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (Inderscience Publisher). He was awarded a Most Cited Author Award for a paper in Computers & Structures, a Telford Premium and a K.J. Bathe Award.

Alessandro Stagni & Fabio Bignolini
nlcomp by Northern Light S.r.l., Monfalcone, Italy
nlcomp is an Italian clean-tech startup specializing in sustainable composite materials. nlcomp mission is focused on the development of solutions addressing end-of-life challenges associated with fiberglass. At the core of nlcomp's innovation lies its patented technology, rComposite™, a sustainable and recyclable composite material integrating natural and recycled fibers with a thermoplastic resin and recyclable cores. Through meticulous optimization of process parameters, rComposite™ achieves mechanical properties equivalent to traditional fiberglass while offering enhanced sustainability and recyclability. This groundbreaking technology has been validated through real-world applications, including high-performance racing sailing boats. Among these vessels, the notable ecoracer stands out, having clinched the Italian Championship title along with numerous international awards.

Patrizia Trovalusci
Sapienza University of Rome
Patrizia Trovalusci, PhD, Full Professor of Solids and Structural Mechanics. Director the PhD Program in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering and of the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome. Director of the Sapienza research group on Multiscale Modelling of Complex Materials; of Author of more than 200 articles in International Journals, Volumes, Conference Proceedings and more; Organizer of several Conferences, Minisymposia, International Advanced Courses on Solid Mechanics and Structures; Guest editor of many Special Issues in international journals. Associate Editor and/or Member of Editorial Boards of International Journals; Member of International Scientific Societies, international Evaluations Committees for researchers recruitments; Remote Referee of international commitments for funding assignment. Principal Investigator of competitive research projects. President of the Commission of the National Scientific Qualification Commission Full/Associate Professors CEAR-06/A (formerly SC08/B2). Supervisors of several PhD Students, Post Docs, Assistant Professors.

Gianclaudio Marino & Stefano Petrella
Visa Cash App RB Formula 1 Team
Faenza boasts a rich cultural and industrial heritage and can lay claim to one of the most interesting stories relating to Formula 1. It all started with local-born Giancarlo Minardi, who first established a team in his name in 1980 and then from 1985 to 2005 it competed in Formula 1 for 21 seasons, before being bought by Red Bull. It was renamed Scuderia Toro Rosso as from the start of the 2006 season, with the aim of providing a springboard into Formula 1 for young drivers. In that it has been successful having launched the careers of champions and race winners such as Sebastian Vettel, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz, Pierre Gasly and Daniel Ricciardo. Since the start of the 2024 season, still part of the Red Bull family, that team now races under the Visa Cash App RB F1 Team name.
The first win and indeed the first pole position came at the 2008 Italian Grand Prix in Monza courtesy of the aforementioned Vettel. In 2020, the team name became Scuderia AlphaTauri, which it celebrated with another Italian Grand Prix victory that same year, courtesy of Pierre Gasly. The previous year, its last as Toro Rosso, saw the STR 14 car secure two more podium finishes: a third place in Germany for Daniil Kvyat and a second place in Brazil with Gasly.
As of 2024, under the new Visa Cash App RB banner, the team still maintains its mission of bringing on talented youngsters, not just the drivers on the track, but also in terms of the factory staff, within a company that has carved out a reputation for excellence in the sphere of motorsport.
Today, Formula 1 requires a high level of specialisation in every area, from design to production and every single member of staff makes a valuable contribution. Even the smallest increase in performance, can make a big difference in the competitive environment of F1, both on and off-track. Indeed, the structure of the team has gone through a process of constant change over the years to reach the current point where it is housed in a state-of-the-art facility which operates at the highest technological level while also taking into account environmental sustainability.