
The workshop is open just to participants to the Cost Action CaLISTA - CA21109. Registration is free but mandatory.

Registration will open on January 8 and close on April 10. If you are interested in participating in this meeting and are not yet a member of this Cost Action CaLISTA CA21109 please fill this form and visit the page of the project to join the project and choose Working Group 2 (WG2) "Integrable Systems and Supersymmetry".

In the Registration form you may propose a talk and apply for reimbursement of travel and local expenses. Please check the section Practical Information for Cost Actions rules for eligibility to reimbursement for speakers.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Please apply to the Cost Action to guarantee your participation in the meeting.

When registration closes, you will receive the official invitation to the Workshop from the E-Cost platform and you shall confirm your participation by answering to such invitation.

Application to travel reimbursement and daily allowance for speakers:

There is a limited funding from CaLISTA Cost Project to cover travel and local expenses to speakers which comply with Cost Action rules. You will be informed on the success of your application when you receive the invitation from the E-Cost platform to participate in the meeting and you shall confirm your participation and interest in reimbursement by answering to such invitation.

Please visit the web page for useful piece of information on funding.

The document contains the list of Countries which are members of Cost Actions and the list of ITC countries.

The document (page 83) contains the funding scheme for speakers which are eligible for reimbursement.