CARE: Cities As creative, crises-Responsive Environments.
Towards a common manifesto of innovative solutions for the contemporary city.
International Symposium
29th – 30th September 2022, Bologna
The international seminar "CARE: Cities As creative, crisis-Responsive Environments" will be held in Bologna on 29 and 30 September 2022, in the Aula Magna of the University Library of Bologna.
Starting from the multiple intersections between crisis and care for the urban environment, “CARE: Cities As creative, crises-Responsive Environments” aspires to collect reflections and contributions on how urban contexts and consolidated cities have demonstrated their creative ability to trace new paths, and their degree of responsiveness to change and unexpected challenges, enacting and inspiring tactics and strategies to face possible future crises.
The explored themes will feature urban transformations, policies, innovative tools and programs, grassroot initiatives, adaptive reuses, historical investigations, unconventional mappings, etc.
The symposium is a follow-up to the international research workshop “How are Cities Reshaped by Crisis? Urban Response to Major Crises from the Black Death to Covid-19”, held at the University of Helsinki in April 2022.
The event is organized by the TRACE research team of the Department of Architecture, University of Bologna within the MIUR - Department of Excellence; in collaboration with FAM Fondazione Alma Mater, the Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, University of Helsinki, the University Library of Bologna; under the patronage of SITdA - the Italian Society of Technology of Architecture, the Association of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of Bologna, the Association of Engineers of the Province of Bologna and the Municipality of Bologna.
Scientific committee
Andrea Boeri, Danila Longo, Beatrice Turillazzi, Peter Clark, Laura Kolbe, Mika Mäkelä, Martina Massari, Serena Orlandi, Rossella Roversi, Francesca Sabatini, Saveria Boulanger, Serena Pagliula, Giulia Turci, Carlotta Trippa.
Invited Speakers
(29th September)
Danila Longo (University of Bologna, coordinator of the TRACE team - Technology and Resilience in Architecture, Construction and Environment)
Welcome greetings
Mario Losasso (President of SITdA - the Italian Society of Technology of Architecture)
Keynote speaker: Roberto Di Giulio (University of Ferrara)
Invited speakers: Franco Niccolucci and Paola Ronzino (VAST-LAB, PIN S.C.r.L.), Marco Pretelli and Leila Signorelli (University of Bologna), Chiara Mariotti (Università Politecnica delle Marche).
Chair: Rossella Roversi (University of Bologna)
Keynote speaker: Valentina Orioli (University of Bologna, Municipality of Bologna)
Invited speakers: Laura Kolbe (University of Helsinki), Mika Mäkelä (University of Helsinki), Ines Tolic (University of Bologna), Peter Clark (University of Helsinki).
Chair: Martina Massari (University of Bologna)
(30th September)
Welcome greetings
Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio (Director Department of Architecture, University of Bologna)
Opening Speeches
Invited speaker: Sorcha Edwards (Secretary-General of Housing Europe); Massimo Iosa Ghini (Iosa Ghini Associati).
Keynote speaker: Annalisa Boni (Municipality of Bologna)
Invited speakers: Carlo Alberto Nucci (University of Bologna), Francesca Gotti (Politecnico of Milan), Camillo Boano (Bartlett Development Planning Unit, London), Saveria Olga Boulanger (University of Bologna), Gabriele Manella (University of Bologna), Gisèle Gantois (KU Leuven).
Chair: Serena Orlandi (University of Bologna)
Keynote speaker: Raffaele Laudani (Municipality of Bologna)
Invited speakers: Michele Trimarchi (Università degli Studi di Catanzaro), Alissa Diesch (Leibniz University Hannover), Alice Borchi (University of Leeds), Ioanni Delsante (University of Pavia, University of Huddersfield) and Tabassum Ahmed (University of Huddersfield), Annalisa Trentin (University of Bologna).
Chair: Francesca Sabatini (University of Bologna)
Aula Magna, BUB - Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna (via Zamboni 33-35, Bologna)
Link for online attendance