Franco Niccolucci

Franco Niccolucci

Direttore, VAST-LAB, PIN, Prato

Franco Niccolucci is the director of VAST-LAB research laboratory at PIN in Prato, Italy. A former professor at the University of Florence until 2008, he has directed the Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC) at the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, until 2013. Prof Niccolucci has coordinated several EU-funded projects on the applications of Information Technology to Cultural Heritage, and is currently the coordinator of ARIADNEplus, a research infrastructure on archaeological data, and director for technology in 4CH, a project to create a European Competence Centre on Cultural Heritage. His main research interests concern knowledge organization of heritage documentation and the valorisation of cultural heritage. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of JOCCH, the ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage. He has authored about 100 papers and book chapters.

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