Marco Pretelli

Full Professor in Conservation and Restoration of Architecture Departement of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
PhD in Architectural Conservation. Formerly an architectural officer at the Soprintendenze ai Beni Architettonici e al Paesaggio in Arezzo (2000) and Venice and Lagoon (2000-2005), since 2016 he has been full professor in Architectural Restoration at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna. He has been a member (2010-2013) of the Board of the Doctorate in Preservation of Architectural Heritage at Politecnico di Milano and since 2013 he is member of the Doctorate Board in Architecture and Cultures of Design at its Department. He is currently part of the scientific committee of the association ATRIUM-Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of XX Century in Urban Managements, recognised as a cultural route by the Council of Europe. He was scientific advisor to Fondazione CaRiPLo for the call "Beni al sicuro "dedicated to the cultural heritage at risk (2018-2021). As part of his Superintendence activities, he has designed and directed restoration sites for important buildings in the Venice Lagoon. The main lines of research focus on topics of theory and history of restoration; restoration of Modern Architecture; restoration of historical plant; microclimate of the historic architecture. He has acted as commissioner in numerous competitions for architectural restoration, among others, the one for the restoration of the former Casa del Fascio, in Predappio.