Special Issues
The following list of special issues can be considered for the submission of the full paper after the presentation of the work at the conference

Elsevier - Applied Mathematical Modelling
Title: Computational methods in the mechanics of poroelastic solids and structures
Guest Editors: Krzysztof Kamil Żur, Alexander H.D. Cheng, Ernian Pan

Springer - Proceedings Series
Title: Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics
Series Editors: Lucas F. M. da Silva, António J. M. Ferreira

Emerald - International Journal of Structural Integrity
Title: Computational approaches in Mechanics and Integrity of Materials and Structures
Guest Editors: Nicholas Fantuzzi, José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia, Shun-Peng Zhu

Springer - International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
Title: Novel and Efficient Methods for the Advanced Design, Optimization and Manufacturing of Composite Materials and Structures
Guest Editors: Marco Montemurro, Antonio J.M. Ferreira, Nicholas Fantuzzi, Michele Bacciocchi

MDPI-Materials Special Issue "Advanced Composite Material Design and Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Engineering" LINK

MDPI-Mathematical and Computational Applications Special Issue "Mathematical and Computational Approaches in Applied Mechanics: A Themed Issue Dedicated to Professor J.N. Reddy" LINK

MDPI-Mathematical and Computational Applications Special Issue "Advanced Numerical Methods and Structural Complex Systems Monitoring Process" LINK

MDPI-Mathematical Computational Applications Topical Collection "Feature Papers in Mathematical and Computational Applications 2023" LINK

MDPI-Mathematical and Computational Applications Special Issue "Advances in Machine Learning and Control Systems for Civil Engineering" LINK

MDPI-Mathematical and Computational Applications Special Issue "Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Mechanics of Materials and Structures" LINK