Reimbursement rules
For general rules concerning reimbursements, please read the following document:
COST-094-21-Annotated-Rules-for-COST-Actions-Level-C-V1.3.pdf – pages 84-90
We will not be able to support all participants due to budget restrictions.
Priority will be given to invited speakers. Talks will be scheduled from Monday morning June 5 to Thursday afternoon June 8.
Friday June 9, 2023 is reserved to the MC committee meeting and there will be no talks.
We remind that the MC committee approved the budget plan for this activity and set 150,00 EUR for the daily allowance and 200,00 EUR as maximal reimbursement for travel costs.
We remind that in the MC meeting of February 15, 2023 it was approved that only one MC member per country may be eligible for claiming reimbursement on the Cost Action funds for participation to the MC meeting of June 9, 2023 in presence. Please, contact the other MC representative of your country before filling this form to decide which one of you will participate to the MC meeting in presence and wish to claim reimbursement on the Cost Action funds.
Participants joining for both events in person can claim the travel costs only one time. Local participants will not be reimbursed. Please, choose the most economical means of transportation and book your travels as soon as possible after receiving the invitation.
Contact person for reimbursements is the Grant Holder Manager of the COST Action.