Call for Papers
We encourage the submission of original contributions to foster the adoption of environmentally sustainable HPC, such as sustainable HPC algorithms, platforms, programming paradigms, and theoretical models.
Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
- sustainability of parallel and high-performance scientific algorithms
- sustainability of decentralized algorithms
- sustainable AI and machine learning algorithms
- theoretical carbon footprint modelling of parallel computing systems and/or workloads
- sustainability-oriented parallel programming paradigms, HPC schedulers and tools
- heterogeneous solutions for increased energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint
- compiler tools for sustainable parallel computing
- benchmark and data sets targeting sustainability in parallel computing
- data-driven predictive models for sustainable parallel workload
- user-targeted tools and pricing models to foster sustainable parallel computing
We welcome submissions of:
Short papers (min 5 pages, max 7 pages -- including references)
Regular papers (at least 10 pages -- including references)
Submissions should be double-blinded (i.e. authors' names should not be included in the submissions) in English, in PDF format (LNCS one-column).
Please, find the LaTeX and MS Word templates in the Documents section at the bottom of this page. An Overleaf template for LaTeX users is also available here.
Papers will undergo a peer-review process: they will be evaluated according to relevance to the workshop theme, technical soundness, originality, and impact of the method. No major revisions are accepted after the reviewing phase, and no rebuttal phase is forecast.
At least one of the authors should register and take part in the conference to make the presentation.
Submit your paper through EasyChair
Important Dates (AoE)
- Paper submission deadline: (EXTENDED) 8th November 2024
- Notification to authors: 20th December 2024
- Camera-ready & Final Material Due: 14th January 2025
Proceedings and Post Proceedings
Proceedings with all accepted papers shall be submitted to for online publication.
For any information write to:;