Themes & Programme (New!)

Download here the final programme! (Last Update September 3rd, 2024)

The Meeting themes encompass well-established topic categories typically addressed in EWG-IE and EWG-OOE events, such as:

  • internal erosion mechanisms and modelling,
  • laboratory testing, physical modelling,
  • numerical modelling,
  • inspection and monitoring, field cases and observations,
  • risk assessment and management,
  • remediation of dikes and dams,
  • overflow erosion of embankment dams and levees,
  • overflow erosion of bedrock downstream of concrete dams,
  • overflow erosion of spillways,
  • overtopping erosion of costal levees,
  • protection technologies against overflowing erosion of dams and levees,
  • best practices and design guidelines.