We are delighted to invite you all to join us in Bologna for the 30th Meeting of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion (EWG-IE) and the 5th Meeting of the European Working Group on Overflow and Overtopping Erosion (EWG-OOE). Following the successful event held in Lyon in 2023, once again the EWG-IE and EWG-OOE will meet in the same week, 9-11 September and 11-13 September 2024 respectively. This time the meetings will be hosted by the University of Bologna, in the fascinating venue of Palazzo Hercolani, located in the very heart of the city.
As tradition of these meetings, which foster a lively debate on latest research results, case studies, risk assessment approaches and mitigation measures related to the different modes of erosion, the event is meant to provide a unique and fruitful forum for sharing up-to-date knowledge and novel ideas, within the largest gathering of world’s experts, academics and non-academics, in a friendly and creative atmosphere for discussion and collaboration.
The meetings will be held in one of the most important and beautiful towns in Italy. The city of Bologna is indeed renowned for its artistic heritage, culture and intense economic activity. Also referred to as “The Learned”, for being home to the world oldest University, and as “The Fat”, for its food tradition, Bologna has one of the largest and most well-preserved medieval historic centres, with a network of over 40 km unique porticoed streets.
We look forward to meeting you all in Bologna!
The Organizing Committee
Stéphane Bonelli Jean-Robert Courivaud
EWG-IE Chairman EWG-OOE Chairman