Registration Fees
After 20/07/2023
The participation at XIII National Conference of GIRSE is allowed only to GIRSE members.
How to become a GIRSE member
Pay the association fee (€ 30 normal fee; € 20 reduced fee for students, PhD students and post-doc) with bank transfer to
Account header: GIRSE
Bank account: No. 5490132
Bank: Unicredit Banca di Roma, AGENZIA Tavernelle – Ancona
IBAN: IT 38 F 02008 02627 000005490132
Specify in the reason of payment (causale) Surname, Name, association GIRSE 2023, renewal or new-membership.
Please note the importance of specifying ALWAYS Surname and First name.
Upload a copy of the payment in the dedicated space of the application form at the bottom of this page.
Registration for XIII National Conference of GIRSE.
Fees for participation to the XIII National Conference of GIRSE are listed in the table below.
The registration for the conference can be made by filling the registration form (at the bottom of this page), attaching a copy of the payment in the dedicated space of the form.
The fee must be paid by bank transfer to
Account header: GIRSE
Bank account: No. 5490132
Bank: Unicredit Banca di Roma, AGENZIA Tavernelle – Ancona
IBAN: IT 38 F 02008 02627 000005490132
Specify in the reason of payment (causale) Surname, Name, XIII National Conference of GIRSE.
Please note the importance of specifying ALWAYS Surname and First name.
Registration fee of attendees covers:
- the participation to the conference (3 days)
- digital abstract book
- all coffee breaks and lunches (September 19th and 20th )
- the welcome drink on September 18th evening