
Scientific papers submitted in accordance with the International EnviroMining Conference 2025 topics will be published within the open-access periodicals of the University of Petrosani: Mining Revue – Special Issue.
Revista Minelor/ Mining Revue (MinRv), ISSN-L 1220-2053/ISSN 2247-8590, is an official journal at the University of Petrosani, Romania. It is published quarterly, both in print and online.
It is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on developing and exchanging scientific and technical aspects (novelty) in the broad field of mining sciences.
Revista minelor/Mining Revue is indexed BDI, in the following international databases:
- WorldCat;
- ICI (Index Copernicus International);
- Baidu Scholar;
- CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure);
- CNPIEC – cnpLINKer;
- Google Scholar;
- J-Gate;
- KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders);
- MyScienceWork;
- Naver Academic;
- Naviga (Softweco);
- Primo Central (ExLibris);
- ReadCube;
- Semantic Scholar;
- Summon (ProQuest);
- TDOne (TDNet);
- WanFang Data;
- CNCSIS (National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education, Code 293, B+).
Starting in 2021, Revista minelor/ Mining Revue signed a collaboration contract with SCIENDO to verify its data for indexing in the ISI database - Clarivate Analytics.