Special Issue

We are pleased to inform you that a call for papers for a special issue on New Protectionist policies, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Organization of Firms will soon be opened on International Economics (Elsevier) “New Protectionist policies, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Organization of Firms”.
This special issue is now associated with our workshop on International Trade and Intellectual Property Rights that will be held in Rimini on September 12-14, 2022.
All participants may have the option to submit one of their papers (not necessarily the one presented in the workshop) on topics related to the workshop.
It is important that authors select the name of the special issue when they upload their manuscripts: [VSI: Trade, IPRs, Organization]
Deadline for submission to the special issue is July 31, 2022.
Submission deadline has been extended to September 15, 2022, the day after the conclusion of the workshop.