The Supervisors

During each phase of the HAP4MARBLE project, Dr. Sassoni will be working in collaboration with Supervisors having an internationally-recognized expertise in their field.


Prof. Elisa Franzoni (Coordinator)


Elisa Franzoni, Coordinator of the HAP4MARBLE project, is PhD in Materials Engineering and Associate Professor in Materials Science and Technology at the the Department of Civil, Chemical, environmental and Materials Engineering at the University of Bologna (Italy). Her main research topics are: decay of ancient building materials; measurement and repair of rising damp in masonries, including electrokinetic effects; innovative and compatible materials for stone, brick and cement-based materials conservation; sustainable building materials. Her activity is documented by more than 80 scientific publications indexed in Scopus (with more than 1'400 citations) and 1 patent. She has international research collaborations with Prof. George W. Scherer (Princeton, USA), Prof. Pietro Lura (ETH, Switzerland) and Prof. Humbero Varum (University of Porto, Portugal). She also has several collaborations with Authorities in charge of Cultural Heritage conservation and SMEs in the restoration field. She has been and is presently in charge of several industrial reasearch projects. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Integrated Research Team  “Alma Heritage Science” at UNIBO, of the Focus Area Cultural Heritage (FACH) in the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) and of RILEM.

Personal webpage:


Prof. George W. Scherer


George W. Scherer is Full Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University (USA) and at the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM). His main research topics related to Cultural Heritage conservation are: crystallization pressure owing to ice and salts; swelling clay-bearing stone; consolidating and protective treatments for stone. His impressive research activity is documented by 3 books, 10 patents and more than 300 scientific papers indexed in Scopus (with more than 16'000 citations). He has international collaborations with groups working on Cultural Heritage, such as Prof. Leo Pel (TU/e, Netherlands), Prof. Rosa Espinosa-Marzal (UIUC, USA), Prof. Robert Flatt (ETH, Switzerland) and Dr. Franzoni (UNIBO, Italy). He is a member of MRS and ACerS, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He received 18 professional and 2 teaching awards. He spent 7 visiting periods at Universities in Europe and USA, including MIT and Stanford University.

Personal webpage:


Prof. Siegfried Siegesmund


Siegfried Siegesmund is Professor at the Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics at the University of Göttingen (Germany). His main research area is currently the dependence of natural building stone properties on (sub)microscopic structure. He has published more than 190 scientific papers indexed in Scopus (with more than 4'800 citations), +50 of which dealing with building stones and Cultural Heritage durability. He is one of the Editors of the internationally well-known book “Stone In Architecture”. He has international collaborations on Cultural Heritage with Prof. Giuseppe Cultrone (University of Granada, Spain) and Prof. Ákos Török (Budapest University, Hungary).

Personal webpage: